Some B-Side Work

Check out this curated selection of B‑Side projects, chosen to showcase our commitment to delivering impactful, cost-effective marketing solutions for the startup community.

strategic messaging by B-Side Communications

Messaging / Strategy

More than anything else in marketing, the right words matter. See how B‑Side creates messages that resonate deeply and drive meaningful engagement for startup companies. And, see how we do it without using up valuable startup resources to get to a good result.

Sales Training re: Messaging

See how a strong messaging strategy is built from the customer up, and then how it’s propagated effectively throughout the organization.
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messaging training for sales by B-Side Communications

Message Platform

A detailed message hierarchy outlines exactly what to say to whom, and when. It greatly enhances the consistency of every communications effort.
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message platform by B-Side Communications

Brand Story

Strong brands involve their users in a story. The very best brands cast their users as the hero of those stories, with the brand itself playing the role of the reliable guide to their success. Thoughtfulness about your brand story is a powerful strategic and messaging weapon.
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brand story by B-Side Communications
Website design and development  by B-Side Communications

Startup Websites

In the eyes of your prospects, your web experience is who you are, especially if you're a young company just introducing yourself to the outside world. The B‑Side team has designed, written, and built websites that significantly enhance a young company's market presence and curbside appeal. Our web development process is streamlined, low-cost and effective.

To the outside world,

You are your website.

but ...

Is your website you?

visual identity by B-Side Communications

Visual Identity

Your mother was right about first impressions. That’s why we offer eye-catching visual identities for startups, efficiently crafted to make a lasting impact without straining your budget.

Here's a truth: image matters. And it matters especially for young companies trying to put their firm stamp on the world. At B‑Side, we know how hard this can be to address. We're startup veterans ourselves. That's why we've created a super efficient process specifically to help young companies look as great to the outside world as they do internally. Here's an example:

Original NextFolio logo (pre B-Side)

Before B-Side

The client's original logo, created by a friend of the firm, wasn't ready for prime time.
NextFolio logo

After B-Side

A polished modern logo, the cornerstone of the client's new identity system.

So B-Side got busy building a "curbside appeal" version of the client's visual identity. The goal wasn't to find the ultimate solution. The goal was to triage the current situation, to make the company look as good on the outside as it did on the inside. And the goal was to put ourselves in a position to take on other market facing activities with confidence.The client, an AI-based fintech startup, first came to B‑Side for help with their sales deck. As we got started on that project, we realized we were going to be hamstrung by the company's existing identity. Simply put, the existing logo was in no way up for the job of representing the company as the bleeding-edge innovator that it is. ​

It took a week. In that timeframe, B-Side put a solid visual identity in place for the client, an identity that's robust and accurately representative enough to stick around for a while. Now, the company looks great! And they didn't have to break the bank to make it happen.

Here's what we created to replace the original logo:

  • Icon & logotext in a variety of formats and color options
  • Brand color palette
  • Brand typeface
  • Graphic standards & guidelines
  • Online "brand assets" library
Sales presentations by B-Side Communications

Sales Decks

In the startup world, a compelling sales presentation can be your gateway to success. At B‑Side, we specialize in creating persuasive, clear presentations tailored to startups' unique needs. Our approach is designed to communicate your value clearly and effectively, making sure your first market steps are confident and impactful, without draining valuable resources.

Before: title slide

Before B-Side

This retrograde title slide conflicted with the advanced modern position the client wanted to take.
After: title slide

After B-Side

Essentially the same elements, but now the company can face prospects as the tech leaders they are.

The charge for this project was to polish and streamline an existing sales deck, so that it better reflected the reality that the client is a highly advanced, modern technology company. In this before & after, you can see how we took the core elements in the existing title slide and modernized them to be more appropriate for the brand. Note the new identity design, put to immediate good use.

Before: How it works slide

Before B-Side

An overstuffed and confusing process slide gets in the way of clear communication.
After: How it works slide

After B-Side

A clear, linear, visual  representation of the process in question, sans the clutter.

In this before & after, you can see how B-Side took a complicated, over-messaged process slide and streamlined it, making it more linear and more visually communicative. You can also see the "professionalism impact" of having a clearly recognizable visual identity, versus no identity at all.

Before: Bias-Variance conflict slide

Before B-Side

An internal attempt at explaining the bias-variance conflict that afflicts data science.
After: Bias-variance conflict slide

After B-Side

A more logical, linear explanation of a complicated subject.

And in this final before & after, you can see how B-Side took a common but complex problem in  data science and made it straightforward, linear, and easy-to-understand. Again, the consistent visual identity increases the sales impact of the slide.

Client Testimonials

"Our company was ready to go to market in every way but how we looked to the outside world. B‑Side fixed that for us. Brock and the B‑Side team created a great NextFolio visual identity, sales deck, and website, and they did it on the timeframe we needed it. There were no hassles and no unnecessary activity. B‑Side just got the job done, and now we look great!

With B‑Side, NextFolio looks like the company we intend it to be."

Jeff Seiple

CEO, NextFolio

"For our new fintech venture, B-Side has been a critical distribution catalyst. They've provided expert strategic counsel, devised and implemented our digital and social media presence, and provided strong leadership for our internal team.

With B-Side, we've gotten the first-rate marketing we've always believed was out of our reach."

Rob Nestor

President, Turing Technology

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